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Digital Community Board - Intersport McKeever

Digital Community Board - Intersport Concept Store Craigavon

As part of the new direction within their concept stores Intersport promoted the use of digital touchpoint's to increase customer and community interaction. However, while they encouraged the store to buy the required hardware they neither supplied software or give direction on how it should be used or programmed. It was therefore left with me to work out along with all other Point of Sale assets.
With our in-house developer we created a grid based homepage with an infinity-scroll that allows for sections to be added or subtracted as required. These consist of new product, in-store promotions and services and vitally, community interaction sections.
On-boarding screens for each section follows a clean layout with a colour palette that matches the homepage sections. As well as the date of the next event or activity, information about it, the ability to register for it and relevant product information linked to it can be accessed from the same screen. A horizontal scroller allowing customers to search through a calendar for all upcoming events and activities keeps all information above the fold.
Core elements of the digital hub are community sections which allow the store to reach out and interact with the local sporting community and live up to Intersport's strapline 'Sport to the People'. Run with us is a store running club that works with local running coaches and clubs to organise running groups in the local area through out the week. The route map and distance is displayed, the registration page linked up with Evently and importantly for the store and customer information about suitable running shoes and clothing for that type of activity available in-store.
Digital Community Board - Intersport McKeever
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Digital Community Board - Intersport McKeever

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