Thomas Fields profil

NZ Vehicles Info-graphic Posters

NZ Vehicles Info-graphic Posters
A series of info-graphic posters displaying statistics and facts about the state of vehicles in New Zealand

This series of posters presents statistics and facts around vehicle usage, ownership and fuel usage as well as other aspects of vehicles in New Zealand. The first three posters explore the current scenarios of vehicles: what fuel they're using, where they are from and how many vehicles we have. While the second three posters document the state of electric vehicles in New Zealand over a range of metrics. ​​​​​​​
This project involved a significant amount of research and data analysis before even beginning the design process. Following that iteration and refinement in the typography and graphic elements was important in ensuring that information was clearly communicated to viewers. ​​​​​​​Below is a couple of earlier iterations of the first series.
NZ Vehicles Info-graphic Posters

NZ Vehicles Info-graphic Posters

A series of info-graphic posters displaying statistics and facts about the state of vehicles in New Zealand
