1. Make a guest list
Think about whether each guest has enough space and utensils. If the apartment has one sofa and a couple of plates, it is better to transfer the holiday to neutral territory or reduce the list of guests. Be sure to ask if the guest will come alone or with “plus 1” - for many couples the invitation to the holiday automatically applies to them two, children and a dog. Think twice before calling people who are bad for each other - if there is alcohol at the party, the old grievances will surely spill out.

2. Calculate the costs
It will be a shame to think over all the details of the party in the style of the film "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory", and in the store to understand that there is not enough money for a corner with a chocolate fountain. Count everything in advance and, if anything, change the theme and scope of the party. You do not have to take the whole organization upon yourself: you can ask guests to chip in money in advance, bring dessert or drinks.
Many party items can be watched on AliExpress. If you are preparing a holiday with friends, be sure to take advantage of the discount “It's cheaper with friends” - the cost of joint purchases on AliExpress is up to 50% lower.

3. Invite guests in a few weeks
Give people time to free the evening: maybe they need to agree in advance at work or find with whom to leave the child. A party group on social networks is a convenient way to invite all guests with a few clicks. But check your privacy settings carefully: one schoolgirl from the UK accidentally called Girl, 14, fears 21,000 party guests after Facebook invite blunder for 21,000 people on her birthday, confusing the look of the event on Facebook.

4. Prepare a party venue
Count the seats: chairs, sofas, armchairs, pouffes, pillows - guests should not stand all the time. Take away valuable things that can be accidentally broken, and your beloved grandmother's vase. The party venue can be decorated with flowers, balloons, garlands. A cool atmosphere is created by LED lights hung around the house - on AliExpress you can find many different types.

Organizing the Party

Organizing the Party


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