Inspired by the saying from an ancient Chinese text, 
A Happy Excursion: “The fungus plant of a morning knows not
the alternation of day and night. The cicada knows not
the alternation of spring and autumn.”

The piece was made through extensive interpretations and explorations on form and color. In order to convey embedded 
elegance within the text, this piece tries to exaggerate
a relatively subtle moment for human beings, mimicking what “creatures” might perceive as time. Based on photos of cars
moving by, a glimpse of time (mundane and often neglected), 
the pages were developed abstractly so that the evanescence 
would be reintroduced, by immersive imagery, to a more
energetic and intriguing state.
Inner pages:
Yayınlama Tarihi:


Concept created in Fall 2017, revised in Spring 2019

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