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Benefits of web application

10 Benefits of Having Progressive Web Applications

With the advent of technology, web applications are being updated now and then. The best way to improve your business is to implement Progressive Web Apps. The majority of the top businesses are already using this technology. It has been observed that the businesses which incorporate PWAs in their web application design increase their retention and conversion rate by 50-100%. To effectively use progressive web applications to your advantage, you need to hire the right Dubai App Developer.

What Are Progressive Web Applications?

Progressive web applications are designed using standard web design technology. However, the latest JavaScript features are added to it. These added features improve users’ experience and create fast loading websites that ensure improvement in visitors’ engagement and conversion rates.

Moreover, these applications seamlessly connect responsive webpages as well as mobile applications. These websites improve webpage understanding. Just like Android and iOS applications, you can easily save these applications on your desktop. There are various benefits that progressive web applications have in store for businesses. Some of these benefits are discussed in the later section.

Benefits of Having Progressive Web Applications:

1. Mobile-First Approach:

The progressive web application works the same on desktop and mobile browsers. This means the application which has been developed using PWA will seamlessly run on mobile devices with no issue.

2. Combination of Useful Features:

Progressive Web Application integrates the useful features of both UX of local application and mobile web. The applications based on PWA run seamlessly both as websites and mobile applications.

3. Saves Your Money:

Applications built using PWA offer a 75% reduction in the cost of the development and maintenance of native apps. Using PWA you don’t need a native app. PWA based stores serve the purpose of adjusting your entire storefront.

4. Work Offline:

PWA based application work even when there is no internet. Users can browse even when they are offline. The regular online stores without PWA don’t have this feature.

5. Headless Architecture:

Progressive web applications use a headless architecture that separates frontend from the backend of an eCommerce platform. API only needs 3 months to incorporate PWA in the eCommerce platform.

6. Fast Loading Apps:

When it comes to loading speed, progressive web applications take the lead. These applications are two to three times better than responsive or web stores. The high-speed applications are indexed easily indexed by Google. These applications offer smooth performance and a high-quality interface.

7. An Application That Doesn’t Crash:

Progressive web applications are designed to load faster. This is the reason why they don’t crash or slow down when the traffic gets intense.

8. Seamless Browsing:

Progressive web applications offer a seamless browsing experience. When you offer a flawless browsing experience, you improve the users’ experience. This results in an exceptional increase in the conversion rates.

9. Lightweight Application:

Progressive web applications are extremely light in weight. The incorporation of progressive design in your application decreases the weight of the application by 80-90%.

10. Compatibility:

Progressive web applications are compatible with both Magento 1 and Magento 2. This prevents the sudden switch to magneto 2 when you incorporate progressive design to your application.

Other benefits:
That’s not all. If you choose the right Dubai Mobile App Development, you can even enjoy even more benefits. These benefits include simplification of your point sales management, upgrading the users’ experience of your online store and targeting more audience. To effectively compete in this era of technological competition, the use of PWA in your web design will help you to stand apart. Your users will be happier and your sales will increase. So, make your web applications more user-friendly by incorporating PWA to your business.

Slow loading apps that don’t run without internet are the thing of the past. If you want to improve your sales lead, there is no better way to do so by hiring the right Dubai app developer. You can easily upgrade your eCommerce to mobile or overcome issues including slow loading speed and frequent crashing with the help of progressive web application design.
Benefits of web application

Benefits of web application

