The Sims House Experience: a mini project that I managed to start and finish within 6 days.

First I started to design a house in The Sims 4 game Building Mode. The house consists of 2 blocks connected by a lightweight bridge in the first floor, connecting the first floor indoors with the roof/garden on the other mass. Having the bridge to shade the space under it, the pool is also between the 2 masses so it will be provided with a little bit of shading.

After I finished designing the house in the game. I thought of remaking it on Autodesk Revit 2015 with realistic dimensions; as in The Sims universe there is no existence of real units such as meters and feet.

Screenshot from The Sims 4 game-play Building Mode.
Renders and visualization
The difference between the render in Cloud by Revit and the edited version of the shot by me using Photoshop.
General comments on the experience:

I liked using The Sims as a design tool, it made it easier to design the spaces and the form of the house. I would definitely try this again even if it's just for fun.

Bringing the "realistic" version of the house to Revit there was an issue in the dimensions. Therefore, some openings and spacings were changed.

I did not furnish the interior of the house due to the lack of a proper Revit library with modern, non-generic furniture. I barely found the right seatings and fireplace ..etc. for the roof so I had to modify the sofas generic colors. I believe such projects can be better rendered in other modelling softwares such as 3D max.

Sims House