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Halfday Tea Institute Cold Brew Tea Series 半日焙茶所 · 冷萃系列

項目 PROJECT| 半日焙茶所 ·  冷萃茶系列包裝識別與文案撰寫
Halfday Tea Institute Cold Brew Tea Series Packaging Design and Copywriting for Tea & Teaware Store

夏日炎炎正好茶 Summer is Good


半日焙茶所冷萃系列 Cold Brew Tea Series 精選台灣特色花卉與茶葉,冷水直萃減低茶單寧釋出,避免苦澀增加甘甜味,茶包以常溫冷水靜置 2 小時,再置入冰箱冷藏 6 - 8 小時。雖然冷泡的時間比熱沖久,然而少了茶的澀味,滋味鮮爽,有明顯的湯香。也可自由搭配蜂蜜或檸檬,甜凉甜凉的,很解暑。
自然的本色 Nature's True Hues


№01|日月潭紅玉 Sun Moon Lake Black Tea
№03|桂花四季春 桂花ウーロン茶 Osmanthus Sijichun Oolong
№05|白玉蘭金萱 ギンコウボク金萱 White Michelia Jinxuan Oolong 
№07|野菊金萱 クリサンセマム金萱 Chrysanthemum Jinxuan Oolong
№10|晚香玉金萱 イエライシャン金萱 Tuberose Jinxuan Oolong

№01|日月潭紅玉 Sun Moon Lake Black Tea

日月潭地區獨特的氣候與地理條件,讓南投魚池成為台灣紅茶的故鄉,這裡成功培育出聞名全球的「 台茶18號 」,獨一無二的芬芳正是台灣的驕傲。茶質醇厚,有天然肉桂與薄荷的香氣,在半日的午茶時光與甜點相襯,一口茶一口甜,便是生活裡最簡單的幸福。 
日月潭地区特有の気候と地理的条件により台湾紅茶の里となった南投県魚池郷。この地で栽培に成功し世界に名を馳せる「 台茶18号 」がもつ唯一無二の香りは、まさに台湾の誇りです。ナチュラルなシナモンとミントの香りが漂う芳醇な味わいは、昼下がりのティータイムにいただくお菓子と一緒にぴったり。お茶とお菓子を一口ずつゆっくりと味わえば、この上なくシンプルで幸せなひと時をお楽しみいただけます。
Due to the unique climate and geographical conditions, the Sun Moon Lake area in Nantou Yuchi Township has become an important area for Taiwan black tea plantation. This area successfully cultivated a world-renowned new tea tree variety – TTES No.18 ( Red Jade ). This new variety with unique aroma proves Taiwan's strength in the field of tea tree breeding. Black tea made from this variety is full-bodied with aroma of mint and cinnamon. Just make a cup of ‘Red Jade’ black tea at a tea time with a dish of dessert. Sit down for a bite of tea with a bite of dessert, so that the taste of tea and dessert mix with each other on your taste buds. Such kind of satisfaction is truly the simplest happiness in life.
№05|白玉蘭金萱 ギンコウボク金萱 White Michelia Jinxuan Oolong

白玉蘭的香氣一直深受台灣人的喜愛,大街小巷隨處可見的玉蘭花,便成了最貼近生活的氣味。屏東高樹鄉生產的白玉蘭,花型優美、香氣宜人, 以製作花茶的窨製工藝,一層白玉蘭一層烏龍的方式層層堆疊,讓花與茶的香氣彼此拌和。熱水沖泡後,溫潤的茶香伴隨淡淡花香,讓心情都春暖花開了。 
The aroma of white michelia has always been loved by Taiwanese. Therefore, white michelia can be found everywhere in life. And thus the fragrance of white micheliahas become an indelible part of Taiwanese olfactory memory. Magnolia planted in Gaoshu Township, Pingtung has elegant flower patterns and pleasant aromas. Our tea is made with traditional scenting crafts-the tea and flowers are placed in alternating layers to make the aroma of flowers and tea mix with each other. Brewing with hot water, the infusion contains delicate tea fragrance and elegant floral note. Take a sip, and you will feel the breeze of springtime. ​​​​​​​


在南宋詩人楊萬里的作品 { 詠桂 } 中,

№03|桂花四季春 桂花ウーロン茶 Osmanthus Sijichun Oolong

Nantou Mingjian Township is located on the well-drained Baguashan Platform. The soil here is a slightly acidic laterite, so it is very suitable for planting tea trees and sweet osmanthus. When harvesting osmanthus in the fall, workers need to pick osmanthus flowers by hand to ensure the quality.This time-consuming and laborious harvesting method allows the delicate fragrance of osmanthus flower to be completely preserved. When the roasted primary processed oolong tea is repeatedly scented with osmanthus flowers, the floral and tea fragrances merge with each other.Just take a sip and you will savor the meticulous tea body and the essence of autumn.
№10|晚香玉金萱 イエライシャン金萱 Tuberose Jinxuan Oolong

夜來香,又名晚香玉,台灣早在 1661 年由華南引入嘉義近郊與高屏 地區栽培,花色宛如白玉,趁香氣特別馥郁的夜晚時分摘採,稍微陰乾讓露水蒸散後,再將烘焙好的金萱茶胚與夜來香一起窨製,歷經三次窨製讓花香完全滲入茶葉,沖泡後緩緩散發的清雅花香,像是在迎面吹來的南風中聞見夏季的芬芳。 
夜来香 ( イエライシャン )、別称は晚香玉 ( チューベローズ )。1661年、中国華南地方から台湾嘉義と高雄屏東地域に導入した植物。花色は白い高級玉石のようだ。香りが強くなる夜頃に晚香玉を摘んで、自然に乾いて、焙煎した金萱茶毛茶 ( 荒茶 ) と共に精製。茶葉が完全に花香を吸収するまでに3回精製が必要。お湯を入れると、優雅な花香りが出て、まるで夏気分の香りが意識できる。 
Tuberose, or the “Fragrant Jade of the Night” in Mandarin Chinese, is named after its jade-white color and rich aroma. Taiwanese were introduced tuberose into the Chiayi, Kaohsiung and Pingtung areas from the South China region in 1661. During the night, tuberose flowers start to release their fragrance. It is the best time to collect them. Flower pickers will put these flowers aside for a while and wait until the dews on them evaporate completely. Then these flowers will be blended with the roasted Jinxuan oolong tea for 3 times to make the tea completely scented with tuberose fragrance. When brewing this tea, you will feel the elegant floral fragrance slowly released, as if the south wind blows through with the essence of summertime.
Halfday Tea Institute Cold Brew Tea Series 半日焙茶所 · 冷萃系列


Halfday Tea Institute Cold Brew Tea Series 半日焙茶所 · 冷萃系列
