Profil von Arina Pramudita

Project: APOLLO - A VR Biofeedback Experience

Project: APOLLO - A VR Biofeedback Experience
The project is conceptualized as a creative digital application that provides facilitation of therapeutic sessions through an immersive Virtual-Reality experience. Accompanied by ambient music, users can navigate through and interact with hand-modelled 3D environments of surrealistic themes. Deep breathing exercises closely monitored by an external pulse-rate sensor device are additional features incorporated to further enhance the entire experience.

The three environments (in order): Hanami, Uyuni, and Orion - each with respective logos that corresponds with the project's logo identity.
Environment pre-renders

Having one’s heart race in the face of danger, or watching a horror movie is a completely normal psychological response. Conversely, having those same feelings on a near-constant basis regardless of the situation is not. The topic of anxiety disorder in itself is still immensely stigmatized, often associated with weakness and deemed as something shameful. Due to these circumstances, a fair amount of people with said condition prefer to keep these issues privately instead of getting the help they need. However, this stigma within society is only one of the many reasons as to why these individuals do not receive treatment. Not everyone is privileged enough to afford proper counseling, and prolonged use of medications may lead to worse chronic illnesses. The occuring project explores the potential of virtual reality systems, accompanied by biofeedback technology, as a platform capable of improving one’s mental well-being through immersive therapeutic sessions.
Thank you

Project: APOLLO - A VR Biofeedback Experience


Project: APOLLO - A VR Biofeedback Experience
