Martin Piaček – Gabika Halás - Juraj Mydla – Sebastián Komáček – Stanislav Krajči

Not only love comes through stomach! Pulsating tunnels of digestive tracts put into motion individuals, societies, ecosystems and global climate. We usually see food as something delicious or disgusting. However, nowadays for many the first course of meal consists of taking a picture of their food and sharing it on social networks. How the food looks like is becoming more and more important. Nevertheless, we believe that offering other possible perspectives on food is also important. What about the impact, food has on our health? Where do the ingredients and recipes come from? Who is preparing the food for us? Do these people have a proper wage? What social status has the person preparing food? What is the impact of what we eat onto transformation of global society and planet?

Transdelicious is a collaborative project of Gabriela Halás, Sebastian Komáček, Stanislav Krajči, Juraj Mydla and Martin Piaček. It consists of images of food, which sounds for us as exotic cuisine. Commuters travelling to their jobs on the BA-WIE, WIE-BA routes are therefore confronted with the prospect of better life of migrants coming to our region. Many migrants capitalize on cooking traditional food from their homeland. Food images are completed by hashtags from the Instagram platform, as its poetry develops the theme even further.

Second rerun


