
Separations are never easy, they can leave important marks on identity, I know those who live constantly in anguish and melancholy because of these experiences; Starting from this and my interest in the research for primordial experiences of being, I reflect in an ontological way on the notion of separation; tracing it to the first of its manifestations which all people experience, the price to come into the world, to be born. As Freud noted in 1949 "birth is the first trauma", to speak of birth implies the notion of motherhood, which carries important archetypal connotations to review, is the magic circle, the cave par excellence, is protection, sustenance and growth, as opposed to the hidden and the dark; these symbols refer directly to the uterus, where all life begins, where it is in a "state of perfect self sufficiency"; in the proposal we find this uterus levitating, imposing and undisturbed, but with an opening, which suggests the violation and departure of this, act that I interpret as the first symbolic separation, for all that will happen in life, out of the womb comes a representation of umbilical cord, red as the blood that connected us, cut abruptly, in the same way that we are thrown into a wild world that captivates and frightens us, where of different manifestations, We repeat this experience again and again, posing the question of the anguish of leaving may be due to the fact that it unconsciously touches and connects us with this first trauma?

Sculpture - Farewell


Sculpture - Farewell

Plastic reflection on the notion of separation
