Chris A Raymonds profil

Teaching History website

Teaching History website redesign
Redesigning a website to improve the user experience
This project began in November, 2009, with the goals of improving the user interface, providing places for new types of content, and structuring the mark-up to make it easier to add content components. Extensive collaboration with the content providers and the Drupal development team produced a consensus on information architecture, color palette, and treatment of content to make it more interactive, and visually appealing and engaging to repeat visitors. Page structure uses the 960 grid system.

View details at
ROLE: Wireframes, mood boards, logo design, visual design, xhtml, css2/3.
Home page
Close-up of a landing page
Close-up of Teaching Materials section splash page
Close-up of inside page, a lesson plan review
Teaching History website

Teaching History website

Redesign of a history teaching portal website to increase usability, improve IA, and enable creation of new page and information types


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