A    K    I    R    A
F A N   P O S T E R

All my life I've been wanting to create a piece of fan art for this film. Akira had a big impact on me growing up and continues to inspire me to this day. There's nothing quite like it (nor will ever be). I had an absolute blast working on this the past few days and I hope it shows. Thank you for taking the time to see my process. If you're an artist and you haven't seen Akira yet, please do yourself a favor and watch it. It will blow your mind.

In regards to the composition, I loved the duality between Tetsuo and Kaneda throughout the movie. There's a lot of depth between the two friends, with moments of anguish, pain, laughter, violence, empathy and loss. I wanted to capture their divisiveness and their bond in one piece, where some of the lines would carry over and some maintain the split. As far as the aesthetic goes, I tried to mimic it's original manga style, with hand drawn line work, simplified shading and halftone patterns to help give a sense of printing and depth.
Thanks for the peek! Be sure to check out some of my other pieces as well. Interested in a commission? Reach out! I'd love to continue to build my portfolio.
Akira Fan Poster


Akira Fan Poster

A fan art poster dedicated to the film, Akira.

