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If you're considering getting started with your startups then you are most likely worried about building a site for it too.
This could be the question that's likely hovering over your head all of the time.
However, if you're passed that phase and have decided on a CMS platform other than WordPress then you'd probably find this post interesting as in this report we'd be discussing a number of the major advantages of WordPress CMS platform for startups.
Also, we would attempt to enlighten you with why you should choose WordPress as your web platform and how to use it effectively.
So without wasting more time, let us get on with the specifics.

It's estimated that 33% of world's sites are made up of WordPress
There is a countless reason why one should choose WordPress over other internet platforms to come up with their business website. However, in today's generation of technologies individuals chooses WordPress mostly due to:
WordPress powers over 75 million sites worldwide
Being the fastest growing CMS platform, WordPress is presently one of the preferred for startups. 
The reason is because of its:
While getting started with a startup, it is quite typical to start its journey using a mere simple site and upgrade it with plugins / features afterward.
This includes all the digital items they would have desired to sell through their commercial website and online market in addition to other main stores. And to be able to do this efficiently, they would require e-commerce & market support.
And this is where WordPress comes in real handy in terms of providing enough support for E-Commerce and Marketplace alternative, all thanks to WooCommerce and Dokan Multi-vendor Marketplace plugin. These two probably are the top e-commerce & marketplace business platform for WordPress.

It's not any less than a rollercoaster ride when anybody gets on with the startups. 1 moment you might get to experience a sudden fall for months and the following day you are able to get a massive boost in terms of growth and popularity.
So, therefore, for any startups having the option of scalability is actually essential and with WordPress, it provides just that.
As a result of the low demand, WordPress runs on almost any server searchable. Therefore any startups would have the ability to expand and scale-up based on its server requirements and even enable cloud hosting for scalability accordingly.

One can secure their website totally if they have a professional IT staff . But in the majority of cases for startups, the site is probably run by somebody who might not possess the in-depth knowledge of site security or security.
And security breach can be termed as a major concern for its users or clients. It will be a disaster for the picture and public relation of those startups.
But luckily WordPress serves its consumer with a secure platform which protects from any third party malicious actions. Most of us know no platform could be 100% secured and WordPress is very hip among hackers.
But thanks to the enthusiastic WordPress community and eagerness of those developers, the typical threats gets readily neutralized that may cause fulminations to the website. Also, there are a number of powerful security plugins in WordPress that simplifies most security vulnerabilities of WordPress.

WordPress holds a strong & inviting community behind it that's always ready to help. This means if anybody gets stuck everywhere while establishing their website, then they can easily advocate for aid in the so enthused WordPress community.
The majority of the people who live in the community are active helpers who would guide anyone those that are stuck with development mistakes or problems while building the startup site.
And not to mention that the amount of helpful & informative tutorials & guideline that are readily available to make the life span of their startup companies easier than ever while launching their WordPress site.

For every startup, having the ability to decide on the hottest trends and maintaining itself upgraded with the machine is a big stress & challenge. The company needs to keep up with the energetic changes it goes through in and around the industry.
If a startup organization is getting lukewarm conversion rates despite getting huge traffic then you surely need to make the necessary adjustments & changes which you are missing in your site.
Let it be by altering the themes, colors or even implementing new innovative features like a payment alternative like PayPal, etc or something which would work better for the website. And in WordPress, startup businesses get to make these modifications to stay ahead in the match with no hitch.
The most common problem almost every startup businesses face is the shortage of financial aid & tight budget it must go through every moment. But by getting a website in WordPress, what's so budget-friendly that you would never need to worry about cost cutting to make a certain adjustment for other things.
In the event you're not a tech-friendly person and you need to resolve a bug or coding mistake, then hiring only a single programmer would just do fine to address your issue. However, if you're a little technical, then you won't even need to hire anybody to receive your website repaired.
As you do not really need to modify or edit any code in order to cause any change on the site. This ensures minimal price for developing and maintaining your WordPress websites as startups.

There are more ways than you think to use WordPress. Starting from creating an easy site to a fully operational feature e-commerce website, WordPress can come in handy for:

1. Starting up a WordPress Website
2. E-Commerce Shop Or Multi-vendor Marketplace
3. Small to Medium-sized Small Business Websites
4. New Portal Sites
5. Educational & Online course site
6. Non-Profit Organization site

When WordPress started its journey, it started off as a platform acceptable for blogging only. However, now with the change of demand today WordPress functions as a complete CMS platform.
And due to it's strong and ease of use plugins & software choices more business related people are tilting more towards this stage without much hesitation.
For startups, the biggest advantage of having WordPress because its webs platform is the fact that it's free & people using it does not really require any previous technical knowledge. Though you might still argue that lots of other platforms already offer these advantages but it is also a fact that none of them offers all these benefits all at one time.
And of course the versatility, value, and efficacy that it possesses for startup companies that nobody else renders.
Moreover, nowadays using WordPress for constructing an e-commerce or marketplace site as startups is rather a popular trend. With the advancement of software engineering, the multi-vendor market site in WordPress works quite easily.
WooCommerce is the most popular e-commerce website builder for WordPress right now. And since more people are getting involved in the company of launching their very own multi-vendor marketplace, the prevalence of WooCommerce based market alternative for WordPress has additionally increased tremendously.
And if, for your startup venture if you decide to turn your WooCommerce site into a full service and dependable multi-vendor marketplace, then you may want to try out the best WooCommerce established WordPress multi-vendor marketplace plugin Dokan.


