Codex Romanoff
Notas de cozinha de Leonardo da Vinci
Codex Romanoff was a school project which goal was to create an editorial piece were we present some of the notes that Da Vinci wrotes about the behaving at the table when people were eating wile he was in the cohort of Ludovico Sforza in Milan.
For this piece I want to create two levels of lecture, one where is presented the figure of Leonardo and Ludovico Sforza, a more narrative part of the text, and the second one where are presented the notes from Leonardo.
The cover that also works as a poster represents the table where the guests of Ludovico Sforza made their meals or even Leonardo's kitchen.
Year: 2013
School: ESAD -  Escola Superior de Artes e Design, Matosinhos
Discipline: Projecto II
Teacher: Margarida Azevedo


"Notas de cozinha de Leonardo da Vinci - Codex Romanoff" was a school project which goal was to create an editorial piece were we present some of Read More
