My first ever branding exercises was images I made for myself on a phone. Nothing special really, just experiments and Humble Beginnings.
Vinny Da V, with an alien style tessellation for the logo made from a Mandala drawing app. Made in 2017.
I had been experimenting with GIMP, sure it's freeware and most graphic designers never take it seriously, but it worked and made this artwork over here.
Another Gimp experiment that went well. This time making use of Opacity layers.
Branding for Battlefloor. Adapting from the earlier logo for Vinny Da V.
An artwork for an earlier mix. Very unique layers and effects going on.
Synergetic Poster. From a design perspective it was a poor use of colors, but a good use of effects. Actually a fairly complex project, and you'll see me take some ideas I used here into the next project.

All content created by Vincent Nemeti of Six Axis Graphics in 2017.
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A brief history of the humble beginnings of Six Axis Graphics.

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