Комикс "Тихие голоса" был опубликован весной 2018 года. Это история о шумном городском пространстве и о том, как сложно бывает в нем жить. 

"The quiet voice" was published in the spring of 2018. This is a story about the noisy urban space and about people who find difficult it is to live in it.
В период зимней депрессии я сделала большую серию работ. Их я использовала как концепт-арт для истории (и сюжеты, и графический язык). 
During the winter depression, I made a large series of works. I used them as a concept art for history (both plots and graphic language).

Рисунок сделан тушью. Я отсканировала основу и наложила поверх акварельные пятна. Приятного чтения!
The drawing is made in ink. I scanned the black-and-white base and applied the scanned watercolor spots over it. Enjoy reading!
- It's time. I have to go. One, two, three ...
*white noise around*
- I can't sleep, I'm anxious. And tomorrow again I need to go out, and the people will be there. Screaming. Scary, noisy.
- Is it noisy here too? 
*the clock is ticking loudly*
- Yes. 
- Then I'll prescribe treatment.
- It will help you relax. But then you will need to work on yourself. 
- The medication will relieve the anxiety and you will sleep a lot at first. Don't fight it, sleep as long as you need. Sleep.
It's so quiet. Only the sound of footsteps can be heard.
*You are here.*
- What is it? Hey?
*Are you listening?*
- Where are you?
*Are you listening? I sleep under snow in warmth.* 
- Where are you?
*I'm here.*
- Awake?
- I brought you some pie. 
- Thanks. 
- It's seven. Tea? 
- Why do you care ...
- Come on, you're a good flatmate. What did you dream? 
- First, it was silence. It's my pills, they're like a quilt, muffle all, just like that. And then I heard a voice...
- Everything's going to be fine. Later you will learn how to cope with noise and will choose what and who to listen to.
And even in the noise ...
... you will hear your voice.
The quiet voice

The quiet voice
