the Zodiac
Like every star has its own place in the deep blue night sky, every Zodiac sign occupies a precise spot in the illustration. Taurus makes room for Cancer's claws, Aquarius pours down water on Scorpio, Leo gazes at Capricorn through Libra... Every sign fits and interacts with the other, like in a celestial puzzle. All is connected.
This project was selected for the exhibition "SPAZIO!" (SPACE!) organized by OIOI - minimarket of independent publishing in Prato (Italy) in 2018.
The theme for the illustration was the word "space", and every meaning of it could be explored, like the distance from two objects, or the infinite void which engulfes all the planets and distant galaxies of the Universe...I chose something more like the latter; I focused on the Zodiac: a collection of allegorical figures men from centuries ago had created, and put them living among the endless fields of stars.
I liked the idea of vivid, flashy creatures floating all together in space, so I trusted my gut, and it gave me this illustration, as a present.
Here are some color studies, I played with vivid and high-saturated colors before finding a palette thet satisfied me.
In this one they look like they're drowning in soda...
...While in this one it looks more like mineral water.
We're almost getting to the final result, but I wanted the yellow to be more "warm", plus I decided to make all the creatures yellow, and to eliminate the white, even if I somewhat like this version too.

Thank You for watching! 

the Zodiac


the Zodiac
