About this Project

SAMBAZON produces organic & non-GMO juices, smoothies & frozen treats with ethically sourced, fair-trade Amazon Superfoods like Açaí. More than just selling premium health products, their mission has always been about giving back to the community of farmers and protecting the biodiversity of the Amazon. As part of a team lead by Studio Misfits, I helped design a fresh e-commerce website, highlighting their products & recipes, while tracing back to their core belief of caring for the people they work with, the planet we live on, and the prosperity of everyone involved.
Design Direction

SAMBAZON knows exactly who they are and what they stand for. They provided us with strong brand guidelines as well as graphics & content in abundance. To avoid an overbearing visual impact, the arrangement of text, images and illustrations were done in manner that would be pleasing to the user’s eye while remaining vibrant throughout. As part of a design team, I was in charge of their core information pages and initial product pages.
Sambazon UI Design

Sambazon UI Design
