Storyboard for the Instructional Video Project
For this project, we had to create the storyboard for developing an instructional video. It shows the camera and lights angles, as well as the scenes. It includes the narration and music for the video. Creating a storyboard before the actual video is an excellent opportunity to know what do you need and how it will look like. Also, it provides the chance to change anything before spending time in the actual video. 
Instructional Video
This project was about creating an instructional video from the steps provided by the Professor. In this case, I selected the steps for making a paper crane. For this project, I selected 8th grade students as the target audience. My goal was to relate the paper crane with its symbolism in order to create a connection with the students.  
Title slide
This is one of the screenshots explaining how to create a paper crane.
One of the final takes showing the finished paper crane. 
Instructional Video

Instructional Video
