Lively Greens
Horticultural Therapy  X  Aquaponics

Lively Greens is a Horticultural Therapy table that combines Aquaponics to enrich the effects 
of Horticultural Therapy through the process of growing vegetables and raising fish
Combined with the automatic irrigation system of Aquaponics
Lively Greens makes the process of Horticultural Therapy more convenient, 
and solves the problem of the elderly forgetting to water because of memory loss.

Horticultural  Therapy

With the advent of an aging society, 
the health problems of the elderly have become a global issue.
And the global population of dementia is rapidly increasing, 
someone in the world develops dementia every 3 seconds.

Horticultural Therapy is a non-pharmacological treatment of dementia, 
It helps improve memory, cognitive abilities, task initiation, and socialization.
Horticultural Therapy is also a good way to relieve stress for the general public.

l First-Hand Experience l
Go to the Nursing home to learn about Horticultural Therapy and observe the progress.
Then I found these problems:

1Because the memory of the elderly is declining,  they will forget to water the plants.

2The elderly will not actively interact with other elders and will usually be assisted by staff.

3General Horticultural Therapy tables or tools are too functional, not beautiful.

l Concept Development l
My design focuses on aquariums because I think " fish " is an opportunity 
that can attract the attention of the elderly and encourage them to interact.

l Usage Scenarios l​​​​​​​
The user transplanted the seedlings into the hydroponic pots of Lively Greens.

The negative pressure fish tanks of Lively Greens ​​​​​​​
attract the user to socialize and interact.

" It is not just a fish tank, it is also a landscape on the table."

Fish can enter and exit freely from the inlet of the negative pressure fish tank.

l The Process l​​​​​​​

DATE :  2019.06
DESIGNER : Yu Chin, Gao


Thank You  : )
Lively Greens

Lively Greens

Lively Greens is a Horticultural Therapy table that combines Aquaponics to enrich the effects of Horticultural Therapy through the process of g 閱讀更多
