Vasilisa Nekrasova's profile

Yu Skul | Creating an Art School

The School Concept
The ultimate goal of this art school is to help students find their passion. Students may have strong interests in different branches of art but not a sincere desire to focus on a specific field due to the lack of in-depth knowledge about it. It gives an opportunity to tremendously remarkable classes throughout the month of endless workshops. You school picks applicants with the most determination to find their passion outside of their everyday field. We believe in freedom of self-exploration and discovery. You may try out any of the numerous courses presented in the particular month. Take unconventional courses to unravel your alternative path.
Each enrolment consists of 80 to 100 people, with 10 students per course. Each student may change and try out each and every workshop available. The professional staff at the school consists of volunteers, successful designers, teachers, professors, influential speakers and celebrities.
Architecture, photography, design, music, illustration, sculpting, fine arts, performing arts etc are some of the classes the students must take. The classes are experimental, hands on, learn as you do, practical, unconventional, interdisciplinary. Focus on your strengths- the teachers will also observe and guide the student in the right direction, giving them feedback in order for the students to learn and improve. Even if they are impassioned about something but haven’t yet reached their full capabilities- they can be guided in the right direction as well as look at other options the school offers.
The Manifesto
We believe in freedom of self exploration and discovery.
A path of life built by you.
Making your strong qualities even stronger,
exploring your interests, 
and finding your passion
Creating comes before deciding and decisions come 
Never force them, let them be. 
That is how an artist is created.
Be the artist you want to see perform
Criticism is our bestfriend
Be what you always wanted to become. 
Explore your narcisistic thoughts and
love your art; feed it
Be part of it.
Embrace it.
Learn how to work with the analog part of your life.
Dont let anyone stop you from finding your passion.
its all about you
the process of creating the logo
Posters with specific classes available to students that month
Yu Skul | Creating an Art School

Yu Skul | Creating an Art School
