Pocoy Calvento 的个人资料

Sprite LeBron's Mix Clear Move Highlights

LeBron's Mix Clear Move Highlights
Webcast / Video / Promo

To launch the limited edition flavor of Sprite LeBron’s Mix in the Philippines, we created a bi-weekly, ESPN Sportscenter-type show that was streamed online via Facebook Live.

The show was a mix of live and prerecorded videos, and throughout the various segments our hosts would talk about how teens can “diskarte” or have a clear mind on and off the basketball court like the “Diskarte King” himself, LeBron James.
The show was hosted live by our two “sportscasters”, Ico and Migs.
Clear Move on the Street: Prerecorded man-on-the-street interviews showed teens giving their best clear move answers to the question of the week. 
TRANSLATION: A guy is making the moves on your girlfriend right in front of you. What's you Clear Move to block his attempts?
Clear Move Games: College basketball stars were invited in the show to participate in games that tested their ability to come up with Clear Moves to various situations.
Clear Move of the Week: The best answer to the question of the week is turned into a short video where we show the Clear Move in action.
Sprite LeBron's Mix Clear Move Highlights

Sprite LeBron's Mix Clear Move Highlights

Weekly sports-themed FB Live webcast for the launch of Sprite LeBron's Mix in the Philippines

