Profil von iain worgan

A Fabricated Conversation

Digital Fabrication for a Physical Interaction 

Are we in danger of becoming complacent with the possibilities of technology and its everyday integration into our lives? Many of us long for experiences that rely on human interaction and the satisfaction of the physical. In an age where we see hyper-connectivity and digital technologies remove the physicality from our lives, can we use these techniques to create physical engagement and conversation? 

A Fabricated Conversation is a collaboration between design studio pleasetakenote & designer Cameron Walker. The work explores the idea that digital technology – and in this case digital fabrication – can aid face to face communication, and physical interaction - something we long for in the post-digital age. 

The work takes its inspiration from the Double chair found in the Valladolid, a town in Mexico. “Its local name is ‘Los Confidentes’ – the confidants. In other words, it invites passers by to take a seat and engage in conversation with someone intimate.” In a similar vein, the work invites strangers (or lovers) to sit together and interact. The digital plans for the chair are open source, which allows for modification and for the dissemination of the idea, as well the physical object. The accompanying publication creates a catalyst for communication in the form of performance - 2 users are required to read aloud different information to create a back and forth narrative emulating a conversation.
A Fabricated Conversation

A Fabricated Conversation
