Ukrainian Parliament


About project 

While researching Ukrainian digital market we've spotted a growing trend for governmental services digitalization. There's it a lot of talks on "A state in your smartphone" nowadays and discussion are slowly turning into concepts that could help Ukrainian Government become more transparent, efficient and successful. Following this trend we've created a concept of Ukrainian Parliament web-portal. Our goal was to make a new government website that can be understood by various audiences: voters, media, and public organizations, enabling easy access to all necessary information and creating brand new positive experience instead of huge social mistrust towards politicians and state authorities.


Problem #1:
An outdated interface with very little UX

The site of the Verkhovna Rada Ukraine is large and complex in navigation. Multi-level navigation creates a sense of confusion. 
A huge amount of data is not structured and not well prioritized.


A clear page with current news and further navigation through sections: the members of the VR, the work schedule, and the legislative process. Using modular design we've enabled options for several info blocks appearing only once they're relevant: video live stream, notifications etc.

Problem #2:
Not enough details on political parties and personal KPI

The existing site does not provide access to the following information: who and how attends meetings, who skips and votes, 
and who gives laws and is involved in their addition and refinement. There is also no clear record regarding previous deputies career.


Create clear pages of the party and deputies, which will give statistics on their work based on KPI and open data.


Problem #3:
It’s problematic to understand Parliament’s workflow and law statuses

Voters often do not understand what laws the Parliament works on. It is common for the media to view a law initiative as a fully working regulation because of this confusion. And vice versa there is a case when a law that is fully implemented is not announced in the media on a proper scale.

Solution :    

We need a new approach to presenting the information. We suggest casual for IT companies kanban format – columns in which laws 
will be grouped depending on their readiness status: registered, reviewed, approved, enforced.


Problem #4:
Schedule confusions

There are several parliamentary session types: plenary session, profile committees sessions, work in districts, coordination committees. 
It’s not clear for the voters, and currently, there is no transparent report system for all of this session types.

Solution :    

Using a familiar calendar interface with the extended color formation and different grid outputs, we’ve enabled an easy 
visualization for this level of complexity.


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Ukrainian Parliament

Progetto creato per

Ukrainian Parliament

A concept of Ukrainian Parliament web-portal that can be understood by various audiences: voters, media, and public organizations.
