ActionAid is an international anti-poverty organization that, like any other NGO, needs donations to continue its work. But in tablet magazines, while other advertisers invest in technology to develop unique pieces, we needed to create an attention-getting ad without a big production budget. We simply used a common bug of the tablet: upside down images.
Diretor de Criação: Fabio Fernandes, Carlos di Celio
Redação: João Resende
Direção de Arte: Thiago Manhães, Cidney Neto
Diretor de Tecnologia: Paulo Pacheco
Programação: Ariadne Gomes

Planejamento: José Porto, Carla Sá, Utymo Oliveira
Atendimento: Carla Sá, Flavia Cerqueira, Cristina Clarke, Fabricio Toth, Malu Miranda, Aline Lopes, Fernanda Mathias
Mídia: Lica Bueno, Marylena Gorayeb, Keila Marconi

Produtor de RTVC: João Maia, Alessandra Gamberali
Aprovado por: Glauce Arzua


ActionAid is an international anti-poverty organization that, like any other NGO, needs donations to continue its work. But in tablet magazines, Read More
