Road-Tripping ZAR Style!

Like all Gautengers every December we pack up, hit the road and go exploring in our own South African backyard. We Gautengers, Coathangers or Larneys,  as we are affectionately known in the Republic of the Western Cape, go armed with ‘skille’ (our Christmas bonus) in search of  a couple of weeks of coastal bliss.

Not even a looming recession or weakening rand can dampen a Coathanger’s road- tripping spirit. Just look at the great Gauteng exodus with the inevitable scramble for first place at the Grasmere Plaza.

Luckily we are blessed with a beautiful country where you can still get some bang for your buck and you definitely won’t be compromising on quality. So, all that is left  to do is wind down the car window, breathe in the country air and take that snap!

Here’s my ode to you, the great South African Road-Tripper.





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