Humberside Police Escorting a Drilling Rig onto a Well Site in East Yorkshire
Lock-On Protest 1
2 activists block the gates to the well site in a protest against acid fracking.
11th May 2019 a Community Event
The local liaison group organised a community event on Pipers Lane near the site gates so people could see the well site. There was music, food and plenty of good humour, until the Police decided to declare an emergency incident and closed off access to the lane to any more visitors. At first there was disbelief, remember this is a very quiet rural area. It was quite clear there was no Police emergency at the other end of Pipers Lane, those already at the event were live streaming video of the music and the party goers. Held at the entrance to Pipers Lane, unable to get to the party (for a line of police armed with tasers) were the event organiser, a local politician, families and elderly people including a lady in her late eighties. The commanding officer, refused to speak to the public, or justify his decision in any way, driving past us at speed and hiding further up the road in his car. The situation descended further into farce when a man with his young son on a bike came up behind the by now very frustrated police officers, who clearly had no authority left. They were followed on by two ladies wearing aprons. Yet they still tried to keep everyone apart to great amusement. When the Police turned to dragging those who were behind them out of the lane into the road, the mood darkened. Large Policemen threatening and pushing elderly ladies around. Not exactly Humberside Police finest hour.

6th June 2019 - A protester managed to climb onto one of the many poorly maintained, leaking trucks, taking toxic waste away from the Rathlin Energy Site. Humberside Police wouldn't allow anyone to give him food or water. They threatened to arrest anyone who came with food and drink for him, denying his human rights. Despite this he managed to stay up there for over 27 hours.  
10th June 2019 - to prevent protest at the site gate, East Riding Council closed off the roads and public footpaths near the site for 21 days. Soon after, without consultation, extended the closure order for 18 months to help the company acid frack the well without disruption.
West Newton A

West Newton A

A controversial oil & gas well is being drilled in a quiet rural part of East Yorkshire. Humberside Police are protecting the operations of the c Развернуть


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