Submission to Young Glory 2012/2013
 Round 7
Getting more babies into the world isn't only in the interest of the governments. 
Someone who makes their living on creating a loving home environment for
families could also benefit from a couple more babies.
New couples that move in together always need furniture for their homes. That’s
why we teamed up with the family loving furniture giant IKEA. With over 300 stores
worldwide and more than 700 million costumers, Ikea will be the perfect fit. We
simply want to encourage couples to break in their new furniture by making babies. 
We made a short instruction, reminding them to have some fun with their 
new furniture. These instructions will be added to the end of assembly
guides for items like beds, couches and tables. And pretty much everything
else you could imagine being used to spice up the love life.
By adding a single page to assembly manuals we will be able to reach a lot
of people for practically nothing. The idea will probably generate a lot of media
attention too. 
A single campaign can't make people change their life and suddenly conceive a
child. But we can certainly make people talk about the subject, the Ikea way. 
The Ikea way

The Ikea way

Submission to Young Glory 2012/2013, round 7 This entry was shortlisted in Young Glory Round 7
