S H O W R E E L 2 0 1 9

My first year in motion graphics was spent at 3dsense Media School, and it has finally concluded. It's definitely a journey--one with a lot of ups and downs--but I know this is just the beginning of something great that is surely gon' happen!

H U G E  T H A N K S  T O
my lecturers for their immense guidance - I went from knowing zero things about motion graphics until what I am right now.
my classmates, juniors, and seniors for support - we're all in this together!
Thank you for being a part of my crazy year in Singapore.


Jer 29:11 _ By His grace


Reel 2019

Reel 2019

A compilation of my Year 1 in Motion Graphics and also my student work during my course at 3dsense Media School.
