This was a tough one for me. Two weeks ago, I knew nothing about After Effects, and consequently I felt substantially less prepared for this project than any other. For that reason, my objective this time wasn't to make something amazing, it was just to figure out how to make something move correctly. 
This was my first idea. I wanted to make a roller coaster where the car would move according to the track, and would rise and fall in a realistic manner. 
There turned out to be so many parts of that idea that were too complex, at least at the time. So I thought of something simpler.

I would make a cow standing in a field, then he would get abducted by aliens. I liked the simplicity, plus it seemed funny to me. I designed all the assets in Adobe Illustrator, which was certainly the most fun I had during this project, then I made them move.
Most of the critiques I got revolved around how the picture was too still for too long. I didn't have the space ship flying in til around the 6 second mark, and there wasn't much going on before then. I had the sky rotating slowly, but nobody wants to watch that all day, do they?
So I ended up having the space ship come in almost immediately. He quickly takes the cow, then he bolts. The end.

I think my final animation meets the guidelines decently well. I feel like I had very little training in After Effects compared to the 12 weeks we spent gradually learning Illustrator, so it was mostly just simplistic key framing.
Alien Abduction
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Alien Abduction

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