What is reality?  How do we know it's reality?  What defines it?

When we sleep our subconscious allows us to explore these very ideas.  But what happens when we can no longer decipher what is our reality and what is our subconscious reality...and if this happens what happens to our conscious minds?  What if this alternate reality is more appealing............. what happens then?

This collage design is meant to explore this idea.  It is the struggle between our conscious mind and subconscious mind... being awake vs. being lost in dreams.

A sleeping girl, in a serene landscape, floats upward, gently lifted by her imagination as she leaves her conscious reality behind... moving towards an altered reality...more colorful and enticing.... similar to reality... but more appealing. Will she chose to stay?
The above source images used to create my collage were provided by
Parasomnia Collage


Parasomnia Collage
