Profil von Eoin Coveney

PBS webcomic: One Small Step

JFK's famous speech delivered at Rice Stadium in Houston, Texas on September 12, 1962. 
The arrival of protesters at Cape Canaveral.
The signs bore various slogans highlighting the imbalance of priorities set by the U.S. Government. All captions sourced from real reference.
Thomas O Paine, the chief administrator of NASA arrives on the scene.
David Abernathy.
Headline as it appeared on the from page of the New York Herald Tribune in the aftermath of the USSR's announcement that Sputnik was now the world's first artificial satellite.
This story featured many crowd shots, which are always the most time- consuming to draw!
Pencil 1.
Pencil 2.
Pencil 3.
PBS webcomic: One Small Step


PBS webcomic: One Small Step

Webcomic commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing mission. This part deals with the 36-hour broadcast by CBS, hosted by W Mehr anzeigen
