Henkilön Kinsey Yu profiili

Armstrong X-RAY Medical Design

It is my first project that join the mainland China design competitions, also my first time to own a design patent. I learned so much form my teammates and the other participants, thanks for all guys.

由衷感謝設計路上與到的各位,因與你們相與使我有信心在設計路上走下去。期待我能與更多的人和事相與,引領平庸的自己不斷進步。 31.1.2019

If you also interesting in Chinese competition, please let me know. I will share some information to you during leisure : ) !

Thanks for watching!
Design in 2018, Pantent NO :5137342
Armstrong X-RAY Medical Design

Armstrong X-RAY Medical Design

One of my medical project in 2018
