Some of posters I made.
                                  "Le tentazioni del dottor Antonio" (Fellini's movie).
                                   This is a personal poster for the short film of Federico Fellini, a surreal film with
                                   Peppino De Filippo and Anita Ekberg. The font is a personal experiment. 
                                   (I recommend to watch it!)
                                  Typo exhibit.
                                  A graphic poster for a personal typo exhibit.
                                  "Io, Tokyo e la mela"
                                  Graphic rapresentation of the concept of metaphor. 
                                  Methapor is a sort of changed reflection of something. 
                                  I wrote a story made by images. In the reflection of the story (under) the images 
                                  are showed in their metaphoric way.
                                  "Eleven" (Sean Penn's short film)
                                   I try to image a poster for the short film of Sean Penn on the 11 september 2001 
                                  (I recommend it!). The essence of United Stetes was destroyed in it's deep down.
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