Perfil de Gary Latham

'Devotees Of Angkor' All Points East Photo Tours

Photography Tours with All Points East led by Gary Latham Photography

Angkor Wat is the largest religious complex on the planet, however it is not just a complex of ancient monuments, Angkor is an active and Holy place to Buddhist devotees. Here are some of the devotees I met while leading photography workshops around the Angkor Complex in Cambodia.

Three observations from the Buddha that ring true for me:
"It is better to travel well than to arrive..."
"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment..."
"No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path..."
Gary Latham Photography leads photography tours in Cambodia every year with All Points East from November to March...
Priest - Angkor Wat - Sunrise.
Angkor Complex.
Young novice monks - Angkor.
Monks - Angkor Wat.
Devotee - Preah Kahn Temple - Angkor Complex - Cambodia
​Monk - Angkor Wat - Cambodia
Monk - Angkor Wat - Cambodia
Devotee - Angkor Wat - Cambodia
Monk - Angkor Wat - Cambodia
Monk - Angkor Wat - Cambodia
Young Novice Monk - Angkor Wat - Cambodia.
Monk - Angkor Wat - Cambodia
'Devotees Of Angkor' All Points East Photo Tours


'Devotees Of Angkor' All Points East Photo Tours

'Images of Cambodia' Photo Tours with All Points East & Gary Latham Photography - Angkor Wat is the largest religious complex on the planet. It i Leer más


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