for some rocking parties!
Flyers I've done for some night parties and events.
Some of them had te colaboration of my friend Tomás Emídio.
Cool looking Poster promoting a gig at Flux's Jackpot Knights.
Great Party!
.illustration by Gustavo Maia
.graphc design by Tomás Emídio
.illustration by Gustavo Maia
.graphc design by Tomás Emídio
Flyer for portuguese promoter Syndicate
Flyer for drum and bass / dubstep party in Lisbon.
The firts one made around 2004.
Made alongside my ld friends Alexandre Castro & Edgar Filipe.
We were the
TunaLightZone back then!!



Here's some graphic and illustration I've been doing for a while in my free time. Here you'll find flyers and posters promoting night club events
