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Juxtaposed Seating

Juxtaposed seating and a bar cabinet for an office breakout space 
An idea either comes in seconds or it can take days. This is the initial idea of making this juxtaposed seating. As a product designer, materials and models are the most helpful tools in making your ideas tangible. 
Drawing your ideas is the most powerful tool a designer can have, all your imaginations going around in your head can come out in drawing them out. Indeed, drawing is a designer's best friend. 
Models and hundreds of models breaks the barriers and provide limitless possibilities in your products. An idea can generate thousands of products, all what it needs is the continuous effort to make something extraordinary. We all need to break the barriers to do something great because that is what we are made to do. 
Working with different materials is always fascinating as you get to know their limitations but with every different material you learn a lot more that you cannot expect.
Cotton buds, yes i found it in my bathroom after shower and yes GREAT ideas comes from your bathroom. 
AutoCAD software was used at this stage to acknowledge the basic proportions of the product.
Now its time to make the product more realistic. One should know what is he/she designing for and for which space. Space plays the most important role in designing your products.I.e. it can be a lounge, a cafe, bedroom etc. as it will then functions according to the ergonomics of the space which is the most important aspect in making your products alive. 
Ergonomics is the relation of human body w.r.t. its environment. As my project was client based and i have been assigned a space which was a lounge so it was pretty much clear that my product must have the ergonomics of a lounge. And here, i started extracting them through different processes. 
Now, its time to make life size models, this gave me a far better idea of what i am thinking and what it appears to become. Models are made to get a better idea of your product as well as it helps reduce waste of the actual materials we think of manufacturing the product and the cost. This material which i have used is very cheap and easy to be found at stationery shops. Pretty handy and made me work far better on my mistakes. 
Checking product feasibility.
These models led me to new ideas to making my final product. 
This is another method of getting the best ergonomics for your product. Place sheets on walls, make possibility of how your product will be used and you need a fellow which will draw lines for you. Later, you refine the lines and get dimensions of all the angles that are being used in a certain position. 
After getting the dimensions from the recent process, i took it to AutoCAD to get a better understanding of all the angles and to get precised dimensions. 
YES, another model but a better one and more understandable than the previous ones. At this stage i was aware that how my final product will look like but still i needed to work more. 
One of the worst nightmare in design development process is when you get STUCK at something. You really don't like it if you get in a situation like that. But as designers we always look for solutions. And the best remedy which i know so far is discussions and experiments. Look for appropriate supervisors and discuss your problems, one little thing can solve BIG problems.
As Functionality is a requirement in Design, so a designer always have to think intelligently before any decision he/she takes. To be more sure about the ergonomics, i went on to a construction site where i requested the owner to allow me experiment it with construction sand. Here, i extracted the sand according to the dimensions which i had from my previous experiments. Additions included slight changes in angles of neck and back but now i was aware of the fact that my product will be ergonomically accurate. And the best part, i have done this experiment for free. 
More experiments and models until i finalize my product. I have used thin tin sheet as the material for my product has to be in metal.
Paper works really well in making models (2D into 3D).
This model was made from cardboard sheet which i found in scrap, i sandwiched them together with glue to achieve a certain thickness after which i pasted the on scale print of the side and got it cut. After experimenting with this model, i got to know that some of the points won't fold as i was thinking. 
Here, you can overview a better understanding of the folds that are needed to be done in order to make the product aesthetically appealing.
The best part (Market Research), i never get tired of roaming around to find the best appropriate material for my products. It isn't actually easy to do it but if you are dedicated enough nothing is impossible. 
Here, we have this plasma cutting machine where 8ftx4ft standard sized metal sheet is placed, and upon command from a computer program you will can get your desired pattern/design.
This is CNC wire cutting machine which cuts precisely to 0.02mm. 
This machine is used to give folds to metal sheet which is a requirement in my product.
This is the journey of technical drawings that i have made for this product using Rhinoceros 5.0 which i have learned in just 2 days to make this project successful as AutoCAD doesn't work in all planes but Rhinoceros works perfect in all planes and is very easy to make surfaces in all axis. Thanks to my supervisor Sir Andrew Shenton for helping me with the software. 
These are initial renderings on KeyShot where one can view different faces of the product.
No, this isn't my final product, its just another scaled down model of what i wanted to make but unfortunately its cost was out of my budget so i made this one using the same process. The material is 16 gauge metal sheet, CNC cut into pieces which is later Gas welded and powder coated in Dark silver finish.
Finally to the last stage, manufacturing for final product has started.
As i have described earlier that the cost of product in metal sheets have increased more than the budget so i need to find an alternative for it. In design, we need to adopt certain changes as it could lead to a far better product than you can expect.
As making the product lightweight is one of the priority of my client, so i considered the material accordingly. This is 6mm iron rods which are very elastic and easy to bend but lets see what comes next. 
When life gives you lemons, Start WELDING.
YES, its me from beginner to PRO in welding. 
This thing placed right infront of you is a hell of welding. Made with the tesselation process this seating is made from 200ft of iron rods, stabilizes the human weight upto 200 pounds. At first it was just a dream but now i have made it into a reality, a day of relief it was. When i started it everyone around was just degrading me that it won't be able to sustain weight because of the elasticity of iron but i just kept on to complete it.  
The product is powder coated in Silky beige color.
Finally, the day i can smile. I have learned alot from this project, many hurdles came in between but i just didn't back off and i kept on going until i succeded. I want you guys to know that if you imagine something and you are willing to do it then go for it no matter what it costs, just keep yourself motivated and don't let yourself down. I have seen very hard times, in between my project i have burned my hands, i burned my eyes and i couldn't open my eyes for 3 days straight but that still couldn't stop me for what i want to achieve. So stay strong in whatever you do and never loose HOPE, a day will come InshAllah when you could smile at what you have done. WE human beings are the only ones who can do the impossible and its your choice if you want to do it or not. Stay blessed and you are open to contact me for any help thankyou. Looking forward to your comments which can help me improvise in this project. 
Juxtaposed Seating

Juxtaposed Seating
