Ilya Galinsky's profileKirsi 3d studio's profile



Lyubertsy (Moscow), Russia
Soft : 3ds Max, Corona Renderer, Adobe Photoshop CC, Itoo Forest Pack
Year: 07/2019
3D modeling, visualization and 3D design by 3dKirsi Studio
Architects - Architectural Studio of Bogachkin and Bogachkin

Visualization of the Architectural project of the shopping center was made for the Architectural Studio of Bogachkin and Bogachkin.
The artistic solution of the building grows out of the triangular shape of the plot.
In the center of the design area is a blocked water intake node.
The shopping center building looks like a giant boulder descending exactly into the center of the site, it closes the well and visually visualizes the change in function.
The unusual shape of the building attracts the attention of people, and creates an effect remembering the image, its recognition. Volume of stone boulder standing
at the fork in the road and fixing the corner, underlined with gray steel cladding.

Spectacular scarlet slash of an open evacuation system
stairs from the second floor emphasize the brutal appearance of the shopping center.

RUUKKI cassettes on vertical facades and steel roof with double seam
solved in a single modular size. what creates the effect of continuous steel
shells. Appearance is associated with a social function, and advertising
modules of media screens that encircle the shopping center around the perimeter are highlighted
its among the surrounding buildings.

The project of the Shopping complex Delta/Plan, awarded the Diploma of the Union of Architects of Russia at the international architectural festival "Zodchestvo'19"
​​​​​​​3D modeling and visualisation by 3dKirsi Studio
Software : 3ds Max, Corona Renderer, Adobe Photoshop CC, Itoo Forest Pack
Thanks you



The artistic solution of the building grows out of the triangular shape of the plot. In the center of the design area is a blocked water intake n Read More
