MINI 8-pages ZINE

This is the second time I try to made a zine and this time I try to make one-paper zine. The zine will turn out for 8 pages after we fold it. For the theme, I decided to make a list of Hyukoh songs that I like. Actually I love it all of their songs but because it is 8 pages, I will choose 6 songs and for the 2 pages it will be front cover and back cover.
These are the zine looks like on mock-up. I still try to print it out, but I will later. So, I will update the project and upload the picture of them later.
For the first page, it contain the spread of all the pages of the zine from page 1 to 8. For every page, I write few bars of the songs, the song's album and the year of it. As the for the back of the paper I draw a simple doodle of the band's members. I write the name and their each position in on the band.

This is the spread looks like, it will be cut in the middle and after we fold it, voila! it will be a mini zine.
Feel free to download it and print it yourself.

find me on Instagram : @amtonk_
My Mixtape Zine


My Mixtape Zine

A one-page zine project about the songs I love from Hyukoh band.
