IMBA is an energy drink without sugar. They position themselves as the best option for gamers. 

Ok, whatever
Reference and source material. Pretty stuff, let's mix it up somehow
Adding materials
More. Mooooore scenes with all that stuff
Fitting with some landing page
Client said: «We want more creative shots with swirls and energy and our stuff flying everywhere. A few shots, yep. With some liquid and drops and our product and light strokes and.. well, Alex, you know. That crazy stuff»

Ok, whatever.  
First attempt. After approval Yes! Yeesss! More energy! More products! Bwahaha!») I got the main course and the idea. 
Sort of key visual. Beware of the Furious Energy Swirl! :D
Ok, one more time
More swirls! More liquid!
Ok. And just one more time
Ok, that's it. Too much swirls.
Small addition
IMBA Energy Drink
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IMBA Energy Drink

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