Babel Creative Branding

Babel Creative

Background and Challenge
Babel Creative believe in the potential of communication. They see meaning, and craft copy to communicate that meaning well. Simply put, Babel move words. They move words to create words that move, to communicate with more conviction. Founded by Ashley Dighton, Babel Creative partners with Digital Agencies and Marketing Professionals to provide content strategy, copywriting and proof-reading.

Our challenge was to market the creative content brand to creatives and marketing professionals, who have high expectations of fellow agencies and studios.

Our Approach
This brand encourages play and experimentation. Those interacting with Babel are provided a degree of agency, with the ability to move letters to create something of their own.

The individual letterforms are simple yet unique, and square in proportion for modular use. 
Designed on paper, we cut out the five letters, and treated them as individual graphical elements, exploring the possibilities to convey different messages. 

The tagline: Moving Words, is a play on what Babel does - not only moving words on a page, but developing content which generates a true feeling and response.

"DSR don’t just design, they create, and that difference is the separation between them and good but ultimately inferior competitors. Where nothing existed previously, they put together a brand that makes me proud and pleased every time I see it, and time has not diminished the joy of that daily experience."

"As with most fields of human endeavour about which we are ignorant, I had no idea how much depth and skill went into the creation of what appears to be a seamless and beautiful product on the surface.

DSR don’t just design, they create, and that difference is the separation between them and good but ultimately inferior competitors. Where nothing existed previously, they put together a brand that makes me proud and pleased every time I see it, and time has not diminished the joy of that daily experience. While I could wax lyrically about the quality of their output all day, I will say two things further and leave it at that. Firstly, they actually listen and take the time to understand their clients, which is rare and invaluable. Finally, they are good natured people who make the process easy, for which there is much to be said. Good people make good experiences, and they are the kind of people where I look forward to catching up separate to any actual business purpose.

I could not have positioned my brand and business to perform as it does without their help and unreservedly recommend them."

—Ash Dighton, Director - Babel Creative

Credits and Links


Project Page

Babel Creative Branding