Profilo di Olga Leykina

Rapid eye movement (REM) photobook

A dream is a succession of images, emotions, and sensations that occur involuntarily during the rapid eye movement (REM) stage of sleep. Although dreams have been a topic of interest in science and philosophy, the purpose of dreams are still not understood. 

REM is a photobook, showing a story of an unfolded dream. It combines the work of four photographers whose work allow to build a dream narrative.

This is a student project, created under the guidance of Pep Román
in Master in Editorial Design, ELISAVA. All texts and images belong to their authors
and used for educational purpose only. Printed and binded in Folioclub.

Concept, art-direction and design:
Farah Anwar, Olga Leykina.

2019, Barcelona, Spain.


Rapid eye movement (REM) photobook

Rapid eye movement (REM) photobook

REM is a photobook, showing a story of an unfolded dream. It combines the work of four photographers whose work allow to build a dream narrative.
