In this exhibit by first-semester architects and communicators, we present, in a wonderful exercise of imagination, how sixteen cities of the book Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino would look through:
Three-dimensional scale models of the cities, photographies of the cities personified, a video where these cities interact, and an online personality test for our visitors.​​​​​​​
Based on true characters, but filled with vivid imagination and narrative, Invisible Cities portrays a fictitious dialogue between the mighty Kublai Khan —fifth and last emperor of the Mongol Empire and first emperor of the Chinese Yuan dynasty— and Marco Polo —the adventurous Venetian traveler and explorer—, in which he narrates tales about the cities he discovered.
More like a live character rather than a static object, each city is described as if it was a person, focusing on feelings, flaws, dreams, experiences, fears, relationships, and desires; only giving a hint of how it physically looks. The book combines poetry, essay, and narrative to show a symbolic representation of human nature.
Each city is eager to whisper in the explorer’s ear all of its fears, desires, secrets and stories. The explorer will uncover a part of his soul and unravel a silent riddle hidden inside his mind. That's why not everyone is brave enough to become one… Are you?

Teachers | Estefanía Palacio and Rocío Hernández
Project Manager and Guerrilla Advertising | María Concha
Visual Identity | Regina Montes de Oca and María Concha
Writers and Test Designers | Paola Macedo, Fernanda López, and Mafer Daleth
Video Director | José Manuel González
Video Assistants | Sabrina Retamozo and Fernanda López
Photography Director | Gustavo Granados
Photography Assistants | Andrea García and Adriana Ayala
Community Managers | Fernanda Rivera, Andrea Garza, and María José Chanez
Vinyl | Regina Montes de Oca
Calligraphy | María José Chanez
Stickers | Mayela Sánchez
City Models | Alejandra Rojas, Alexia Martínez, Carlos Guzmán, Celina Obregón, Eduardo Gutiérrez, Eduardo Robles, Fernanda Garzón, Franco Espinoza, Frida Pérez, Gema Guerrero, Jaime Razo, Javier Del Ángel Ramírez, Jessica Palau, Jorge Jiménez, Karol Gutiérrez, Kevin Castañeda, Lugardo Paredes, Maigo Illescas, María Herrera, María Paula González, Marian Quiroz, Mónica Vega, Naxhely Ramírez, Rafael Álvarez, Ricardo Cruz, Rodrigo Junco, Samantha Ramírez, Santiago Vera, Sarah Lavín, Sidney Kylie Escobedo, Sofía Román, and Yessica Zárate.

Design Fundamentals I
Tecnológico de Monterrey Campus Querétaro

Invisible Cities


Invisible Cities

Final project for the class Design Fundamentals I.
