This is my personal just-for-fun-collection of photos with small people.
The sizes of these model railway characters are H0 and TT.
Morning Post!!
En attendant Godot / Waiting for Godot
Don't even think about it!!
Hmm...where to begin?
Coffee anyone?
Lately at the pond...
After the work is done...
Peeping Tom
Would you like some meat?
Hey!! Siesta!!
Death is incorruptible.
If it takes so long every morning now - I'll take the knife again...
Very High Heels indeed!
...these shakes in the early morning...sorry!
Overestimation of one's own capabilities...
But maybe he grows along with his tasks?
I'll go back to sleep...
Run and hide!!!
pause (break)
YEAH!!! Groovy!!!
And suddenly the cook became a vegetarian...
A man's got to do what a man's got to do.
Hot, hot, hot...
These tiny people are so useful...
Is it art or can I remove it??
The Diet Police
Sugar in the morning
Always pay attention!
YEAH!!! Foam Party!!!
What a mess!
Cleaning Maniac
Small people

Small people

Just for fun :-)
