Churches of Rome


Rome, Italy, 2019

© Maciej Leszczynski
The Pantheon
The Church of the Gesù
The Church of Saint Andrew's at the Quirinal
The Church of the Holy Apostles
San Lorenzo in Damaso
Chiesa Nuova I
Chiesa Nuova II
The Church of Sant'Andrea della Valle I
The Church of Sant'Andrea della Valle II
The Church of Sant'Andrea della Valle III
The Basilica of Santa Maria in Trastevere
Santi Quattro Coronati
San Martino ai Monti
The Basilica of St. Mary of the Angels and the Martyrs
Sant'Andrea delle Fratte
San Carlo al Corso
The Church of Saint Anthony in Campo Marzio
Corridor at Scala Sancta
San Bernardo alle Terme
Archbasilica of Saint John Lateran Entrance​​​​​​​
Churches of Rome

Churches of Rome

Churches of Rome, Italy, 2019


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