Foodie Thoughts - Food, Feed & Feast 

Food is life, one can't hate it or stay without it. Feeding takes one to the next level of satisfaction, when one is able to provide food to another person. Feast is the celebration of food with an element of fun, where similar minds come together.

Here are a series of hand lettered posters that voices out a foodie's mind. 
Starting with a straight forward quote. This one is my favorite one. Isn't this true? Foodies are the best kind of people as they are adventurous and creative! This in general makes them fun to be with and eat with.
"Laughter is brightest, Food is best."
And when you have both, life becomes a bliss, doesn't it?
This is indeed a very simple quote but conveys a big message. Good food choices create a positive self-reinforcing circuit in the mind. You get to feel good knowing you are doing something good for yourself. 
Our mental and physical health is affected by our diets, like our views and values are shaped by our experiences. Many a times in the midnight, my brain would be in a rapid fire mode hinting "need for food". Have you ever faced such hunger-strike-to-fall-asleep by the brain?
Did you know? Food is the ONLY thing a human can say ENOUGH to after eating well!
Cooking is an art and when you feed a person wholeheartedly with love, there is nothing more SOUL SATISFYING and BLESSED in this world. Also a full stomach leads to a very happy mind.
It has been said that change is the only constant in life. It's a natural part of life and something that almost everybody feels on daily basis. This also means you are LIVING. What else can be more rewarding than a good and happiness-inducing dessert to deal with life's disappointments on an everyday basis?!
Isn't that the truth? Sometimes words REALLY aren't enough. But food can be a powerful yet simple expression and extension of love.
Cooking is all about people. No matter what culture or language everywhere around the world, people get together to eat. Bonding over food happens more quickly than any other process. Trust me, most of my friends are foodies and we can keep chatting endlessly about food.
Sharing food like sharing talks is an important form of human communication. No great relationship has ever begun until they’ve had a meal together. It is not only an expression of friendship, but also a great ice-breaker. It starts right from the second we step into the world by feeding on mother's milk. 
Whenever we are having a stressful day or are feeling a little under the weather, we crave for a "feel good" factor to make things better. And in general that "feel good" factor happens to be the "Comfort Food". Be it home cooked food or mom's cooking or the greasy spicy food or the junk, things always get better or at least seem to be better when that comfort food fills the tummy.
Food is a part of every celebration. We all find ourselves in love with the food we eat or that  we yearn to eat. It is the common ground that we all share. Although, unhealthy relationships with food certainly exist, inherently all living beings love food. You don't need to be a great chef or a foodie to love food.
Every cell in the body is replaced in about seven years, and your food is what those new cells are made from. So take a good look at what you have got on your plate. It is about to be a part of you. If you want your body to perform at a peak level, make sure you are giving it good quality material to work with.
Foodie Thoughts


Foodie Thoughts
