Vasilisa Aristarkhovas profil

Selfism | Religion branding


is a semester project for Visual communication Master program in Kunstuniversität Linz and a part of "Do you need me? Form follows society" exhibition. The semester topic was called "Design for society" and with this project I designed a tool to fight unwanted guilt feelings – a new religion. 

White square

is a symbol of this religion, which always occurs in the visual identity of the religion's brand which represents deep metaphor: if you look into a mirror, made by a human, you will see the creator and a real god – personality, the only source you have to listen to.​​​​​​​


Why guilt

1. We feel guilty for 5 hours per week. It's 43 minutes every day; 
2. Guilt makes us self-punish ourselves;
3. It stops us from enjoying life.

Religion as a business

One of the problems of current religions is that they are businesses, which are trying to hide that they are, wearing a mask of mercy and sympathy and asking for money for some abstract god. 
My big idea was to create a religion as an open and transparent business with obvious goal –
education and mentoring, which uses merchandise as one of the sources of income.


Selfism | Religion branding

Selfism | Religion branding

Selfism is a semester project for Visual communication Master program in Kunstuniversität Linz and a part of "Do you need me? Form follows societ Læs mere
