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2nd Streetart gathering Aguas Dulces, Uruguay Marzo 201

I was lucky to be invited in the second Street Art gathering en Aguas Dulces, a small village in the east cost of Uruguay.  Here are the photos of my work, and the work of the artists Alfalfa (Nicolás Sanchez), Alabama (Inés Barea) and Camila Caballero.
The project was organized by Florian Von Thielmann, in is own words:
"After having received such positive feedback from the artists and the residents of the atlantic sea coast village of Aguas Dulces in Rocha, Uruguay. We realized end of March 2013 the second streetartists residency with artists from Montevideo Uruguay this time.
First edition of this serie of residencies can be seen at .
The 3rd edition is in preparation and we hope to see many streetartist from all around the world. Info will follow..."
My Work.
The work of Alabama (in process).
Camila Caballero.
Camila Caballero's work (middle).
Alfalfa's work.
2nd Streetart gathering Aguas Dulces, Uruguay Marzo 201

2nd Streetart gathering Aguas Dulces, Uruguay Marzo 201

Wall paintings in the small beach village of Aguas Dulces, Uruguay.


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