Perfil de Paul Scholes

Suggestions for newborn photography lenses

One of my favourite lenses that is a great all rounder is the 50mm focal length. On a full frame camera, this gives you roughly the same view as the naked eye (it’s not exact, but close enough for our purposes!)

Due to the fact that there is no distortion with this focal length, and you don’t have to back up too far to get everything you want in the frame, it is endlessly versatile.

Something like a Canon or Nikon 50mm F1.4 lens, or the Sigma 50mm F1.4 (which is rumoured to be sublime) You could even use the trusty 50mm F1.8.

The other option you have is a wider angle lens – something like a 35mm lens is another lens that can be ideal for newborn photography.  If you find yourself often shooting in small spaces, the 35mm may more useful, because you can back up a little bit more. It’s also a better focal length if you like to fit in more of the environment, (for example wide shots where you see the whole room along with your subject) perhaps if you are more of a lifestyle newborn photographer.

Do be wary of the fact that the wider angle lens produce distortion if you are up close, so this lens is better for when you are stepped back a bit.

(You can find more general differences, and advice about whether the 35mm or 50mm lens is better for you in this recent post. You’ll get a breakdown of what to use when, along with loads of example images)

Some suggestions for the 35mm lens would be the Sigma 35mm F1.4 Art Lens, or the Canon or Nikon 35mm F1.4 lens.

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Suggestions for newborn photography lenses

Suggestions for newborn photography lenses
