Diego Moratallas profil

The Right To Be Lazy | Posters

DIEGO MORATALLA → The Right To Be Lazy

Description: Initially done for the monthly challenge of PosterJam of July 2019 that must contain or be inspired by the word "lazy". I traveled to the 19th century to visit on the one hand one of the most influential and controversial texts in marxist school, La droit à la paresse (The Right To Be Lazy) by Paul Lafargue, and on the other hand one of the leading cabinetmakers in America in the first half of that century, the Scottish Duncan Phyfe. The final result is a series of six posters in which the idea of laziness and the sofas made by Phyfe come together, also with a defined identity, making a visual approach to a fictitious furniture brand that would produce some promotional pieces.
Format: Poster (6) — 500 × 700mm
Typefaces: Editorial New and Radio Grotesk by Pangram Pangram Foundry
Done for: initially for posterjam.com, personal non-profit project


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The Right To Be Lazy | Posters

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The Right To Be Lazy | Posters

Initially done for the monthly challenge of PosterJam of July 2019 that must contain or be inspired by the word "lazy". I traveled to the XIX cen Läs mer
